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Lazy Brown Dog


Q. Are you saying we should stop going out to eat or stop paying a housekeeper? Won’t it hurt small businesses and even low-paid workers if I stop shopping? 

A. This is not about deprivation or even “doing without.” It’s about consciously using our dollars to support the heart (ours and others'). Yes, go out to eat! Just choose responsible businesses. Yes, hire a housekeeper! And pay them what you would want to earn for comparable work.


Q. I don’t get it. How does my spending impact the destruction of the environment, gun safety laws, or other social issues?

A. In the same way that all non-cooperation efforts have worked through history, by our conscious choices, Spend With Heart will erode the greed that has corrupted the political climate of this country and give a solid base for the kind of legislation that protect citizens and the earth, not corporations.


Q. I already shop sustainably, don’t buy guns, or give money to the NRA. Shouldn’t we be targeting those who are the real problem - the big corporate polluters and the gun industry, specifically?

A. The hold that corporate money has over us is widespread so we need a broad and long-term approach.  We have to be strong enough for long enough to make the depth of change that is needed.


Q. I don’t spend that much money. What difference will my participation make?

A. Every person, every dollar, every purchase makes a difference! You are giving your energy and good-will to humanity and the planet.  Besides, it feels so good to be a part of the solution, not part of the problem!


Q.How can we be sure this will work?

A. We will let one of our heroes answer that one:


There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time,

they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. 

Think of it–always.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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