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  1. Buy your clothing from your local thrift or upscale resale shops. 

  2. Just for fun, see how many consecutive days you can go without buying anything new.  Get creative!

  3. Notice what fans your "fire of desire" and cut it off.  (Hint: Eschewing advertisements and browsing/shopping online is a great place to start.)

  4. Research how to recycle something you normally throw in the trash.

  5. Make a donation to a cause that speaks to your heart.

High Five after Workout



  • Make a list of the “low hanging fruit.”  What can we stop buying that would be easy and actually contribute to our well-being?  (i.e. unhealthy food items, “convenience” devices/gadgets, distractions and impulse purchases) Post the list on the computer screen or next to a credit card as a reminder.

  • Switch from paid private services to public ones.  (i.e. Check out books from the library instead of purchasing them; take the metro instead of Uber or driving; go to parks instead of a private gym.)

  • Use up all those partial bottles of shampoo, lotions, detergents, etc. before buying more.

  • Swap/share with neighbors and friends (books, music, tools, pantry items, cooking utensils, etc.).

  • Before buying an item, ask, “Is this a want or a need?" 

  • Pay as much attention to WHERE you buy as WHAT you buy.

  • Be open to changing your shopping habits.


  • DON'T go to deprivation.  Keep this in the “I want to” category, not the “I should” category.

  • DON’T get bamboozled into stopping things that truly support your well-being.

  • DON'T twist yourself up in knots or overthink it.  Just do your best.

  • ​DON'T quit.  Have fun!

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