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Children in Classroom


Happy people are more likely to spend their resources in ways that care for each other and the planet. 


Our focus is on

  • being happy,

  • sharing happiness, and

  • spending our resources from a place of happiness and well being.

the Bluebird of Happiness!

This inspiring little bird is our role model, flying around with joy and spreading encouragement and happiness! She is embarking on a world tour, sharing how to be happy in so many ways! Happy knows lots of secrets about practicing and sharing happiness....including that caring for each other, the earth and spending in a way that helps to create a loving, just, compassionate world is not hard or actually makes us feel lighter to do what feels good to our hearts. (Another little secret...that's why Happy can fly...she knows how to practice true happiness and it lifts her up!) Help Happy spread happiness around the globe! Download her image and send free Bluebird of Happiness messages to people in your life. In lovingkindness, The Spend With Heart Team P.S. Find out more about how you can enjoy life and make a difference by using this website for your spending needs. Doing what takes care of everyone feels SO good and makes us happy!


Spring Fashion


As we EACH step up and pay attention, we realize we can stop our habitual participation and make choices that lead in new directions.



History has proven again and again the tremendous strength of ordinary people standing together.  We actually have all the power we need; we just need to use it. What’s that power?  Participation.

Walk in Nature
Market Analysis


Supporting businesses and individuals that reflect strong community values sends a clear message to corporations who avoid paying taxes, pay low wages, and pollute the environment that we simply will not support them anymore.


We cannot wait for others to take the lead before we act.  We CHOOSE not to wait for others to take the lead.  The majority of citizens want an end to mass shootings, environmental destruction, and the stranglehold that rapacious greed has on this country.

Foggy Forest
Food Packing


This is a time of great financial stress for millions of people.  We can find ways to Spend with Heart for those struggling just to make ends meet.  Find your local food bank or other favorite charity to see how your efforts can assist others.

Blue Skies
latest bluebird.png

How could we even begin to disarm greed and envy? Perhaps by being much less greedy and envious ourselves; perhaps by resisting the temptation of letting our luxuries become needs; and perhaps even by scrutinizing our needs to see if they cannot be simplified and reduced.

If we do not have the strength to do any of this, could we perhaps stop applauding the type of economic "progress" which palpably lacks the basis of permanence and give what modest support we can to those who, unafraid of being denounced as cranks, work for non-violence: as conservationists, ecologists, protectors of wildlife, promoters of organic agriculture, distributists, cottage producers, and so forth?

An ounce of practice is generally worth more than a ton of theory. 
- From Small is Beautiful by E.F. Schumacher 

Click here for more inspiring quotes.

Wooden Frame Window

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Adapted from a writing by Leo Tolstoy

People in their present condition are like a swarm of bees hanging in a cluster to a branch.

The position of the bees on the branch is temporary, and must inevitably be changed. They must start off and find themselves a new habitation. Each of the bees knows this and desires to change her own and the others' position, but no one of them can do it till the rest of them do it.

They cannot all start off at once, because one hangs on to another and hinders her from separating from the swarm. Therefore they all continue to hang there.

It would seem that the bees could never escape from their position, just as it seems that we, caught in the toils of the current state of affairs, can never escape. And indeed, there would be no escape for the bees, if each of them were not a living, separate creature, endowed with wings of its own.

If every bee who could fly, did not try to fly, the others, too, would never be stirred, and the swarm would never change its position. But only let one bee spread her wings, start off, and fly away, and after her another, and another, and the clinging, inert cluster would become a freely flying swarm of bees.

We think that to set all people free by this means is too slow a process, that they must find some other means by which they could set all people free at once.

It is just as though the bees who want to start and fly away should consider it too long a process to wait for all the swarm to start one by one; and think they ought to find some means by which it would not be necessary for every separate bee to spread her wings and fly off, but by which the whole swarm could fly at once where it wanted to.

But that is not possible; till a first, a second, a third, a hundredth bee spreads her wings and flies off of her own accord, the swarm will not fly off and will not begin its new life.

Bees at Work


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